Solving the React Native Conundrum: Keeping the Keypad Open on End Editing
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Solving the React Native Conundrum: Keeping the Keypad Open on End Editing

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As a React Native developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustrating issue where the keypad disappears when the user finishes editing a text input field. This can be problematic, especially when you want to allow users to quickly switch between multiple input fields or maintain focus on a specific field. In this article, we’ll delve into the reason behind this behavior and provide a step-by-step guide on how to keep the keypad open on end editing in React Native.

The Problem: Understanding the Default Behavior

By default, React Native’s `onEndEditing` event is triggered when the user finishes editing a text input field. This event is designed to notify the app that the user has completed editing and the keypad can be dismissed. However, in certain scenarios, you might want to keep the keypad open, allowing the user to seamlessly move to the next input field or continue editing.

Why Does the Keypad Disappear?

The keypad disappears because of the way React Native handles the `onEndEditing` event. When the event is triggered, the app automatically dismisses the keypad to conserve screen real estate and improve the overall user experience. While this behavior is intended to be helpful, it can sometimes be detrimental to your app’s functionality.

The Solution: Overriding the Default Behavior

Luckily, React Native provides a way to override the default behavior and keep the keypad open on end editing. We’ll explore two approaches to achieve this: using the ` blurOnSubmit` prop and creating a custom `onEndEditing` handler.

Method 1: Using the `blurOnSubmit` Prop

The `blurOnSubmit` prop is a boolean property that, when set to `false`, prevents the keypad from dismissing when the user submits the input field. To use this prop, simply add it to your `TextInput` component:

  onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ text })} 

By setting `blurOnSubmit` to `false`, you’re telling React Native not to blur the input field on submission, effectively keeping the keypad open.

Method 2: Creating a Custom `onEndEditing` Handler

In some cases, you might want more control over the `onEndEditing` event. To achieve this, you can create a custom handler that prevents the keypad from dismissing. Here’s an example:

handleEndEditing = () => {
  // Prevent the keypad from dismissing

In this example, we’re using the `Keyboard` API’s `dismiss` method and passing `false` as an argument. This tells React Native not to dismiss the keypad.

Next, attach the custom handler to your `TextInput` component:

  onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ text })} 

Advanced Scenarios: Managing Multiple Input Fields

In cases where you have multiple input fields, you might want to keep the keypad open and allow the user to switch between fields without dismissing the keypad. To achieve this, you can use a combination of the `blurOnSubmit` prop and a custom `onEndEditing` handler.

Let’s consider an example with two input fields:

    onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ text1: text })} 
    onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ text2: text })} 

In this example, both input fields have the `blurOnSubmit` prop set to `false` to prevent the keypad from dismissing on submission. The custom `handleEndEditing` handler is attached to both input fields, which prevents the keypad from dismissing when the user switches between fields.

Best Practices and Considerations

When keeping the keypad open on end editing, it’s essential to consider the following best practices:

  • Accessibility**: Ensure that your app is accessible to users with disabilities. Keeping the keypad open can be beneficial for users who rely on assistive technologies.
  • Performance**: Be mindful of performance implications when keeping the keypad open. This can lead to increased memory usage and slower app performance.
  • User Experience**: Consider the overall user experience and ensure that keeping the keypad open aligns with your app’s design and functionality.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the default behavior of React Native’s `onEndEditing` event and provided two methods to override this behavior: using the `blurOnSubmit` prop and creating a custom `onEndEditing` handler. By following these instructions and considering best practices, you can effectively keep the keypad open on end editing in your React Native app, providing a better user experience and improving app functionality.

Method Description
blurOnSubmit={false} Prevents the keypad from dismissing on submission
Custom onEndEditing handler Overrides the default behavior and keeps the keypad open

Remember to test your implementation thoroughly and adjust according to your app’s specific requirements. By implementing these solutions, you’ll be able to overcome the issue of the keypad disappearing on end editing in React Native.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your React Native conundrums!

Why does the keypad disappear when I’m trying to edit a field in React Native?

This is because of the default behavior of React Native’s `onEndEditing` event, which dismisses the keyboard when the editing is finished. You can override this behavior by setting `blurOnSubmit={false}` on your `TextInput` component.

Is there a way to keep the keypad open even after I’ve finished editing a field?

Yes, you can achieve this by setting `returnKeyType=”next”` or `returnKeyType=”none”` on your `TextInput` component. This will prevent the keypad from dismissing when you press the “Done” or “Return” button.

Can I customize the behavior of the keypad in React Native?

Absolutely! You can use the `keyboardShouldPersistTaps` prop on your `ScrollView` or `FlatList` component to control whether the keypad should stay open or not. You can set it to `”always”` to keep the keypad open, or `”never”` to dismiss it always.

What’s the best way to handle multiple text inputs with React Native?

When dealing with multiple text inputs, it’s essential to manage the focus and blur events carefully. You can use the `onFocus` and `onBlur` events to handle the keypad behavior and ensure a seamless user experience. You can also use third-party libraries like React Native Form or React Hook Form to simplify form management.

Are there any performance implications when keeping the keypad open in React Native?

While keeping the keypad open might seem convenient, it can lead to performance issues, especially on lower-end devices. This is because the keypad occupies a significant portion of the screen, which can cause rendering and layout issues. Be mindful of your app’s performance and test thoroughly to ensure a smooth user experience.

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