Iterating through Tables/Columns in Snowflake Schema to Find Text Value Only Working Sometimes? Let’s Crack the Code!
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Iterating through Tables/Columns in Snowflake Schema to Find Text Value Only Working Sometimes? Let’s Crack the Code!

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Are you tired of iterating through tables and columns in your Snowflake schema, only to find that your text value searching script is working sporadically? You’re not alone! Many Snowflake users have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solutions and explanations you need to overcome this frustrating problem.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this issue. When you’re iterating through tables and columns in Snowflake, you’re essentially scanning the entire schema to find a specific text value. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as straightforward as it seems.

Snowflake is a columnar database, which means it stores data in columns instead of rows. This columnar storage allows for faster query performance, but it also means that Snowflake handles data differently than traditional row-based databases.

When you’re searching for a text value in a Snowflake schema, you’re essentially asking the database to scan each column in each table to find the desired value. This can lead to performance issues, especially if you have a large number of tables and columns.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s cover some common pitfalls to avoid when iterating through tables and columns in Snowflake:

  • SELECT * clauses: Avoid using SELECT * clauses when querying your Snowflake schema, as this can lead to performance issues and unnecessary data scanning.
  • Inefficient filtering: Make sure you’re using efficient filtering techniques, such as using WHERE clauses and indexing, to reduce the amount of data being scanned.
  • Ignoring data types: Failing to account for data types can lead to errors and performance issues. Make sure you’re using the correct data types when querying your Snowflake schema.

Solution 1: Using Snowflake’s Built-in Functions

Snowflake provides several built-in functions that can help you iterate through tables and columns to find text values. One of the most useful functions for this task is the -information_schema.columns function.

      table_schema = 'MY_SCHEMA'
      AND data_type = 'VARCHAR';

This function returns a list of columns in the specified schema, along with their corresponding data types. You can use this function to iterate through the columns and search for text values using a scripting language like Python or JavaScript.

Solution 2: Using Snowflake’s Stored Procedures

Snowflake stored procedures are reusable code blocks that can be used to perform complex operations. You can create a stored procedure to iterate through tables and columns, searching for text values and performing actions based on the results.

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE search_text_values()
      var sql = `SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'MY_SCHEMA' AND data_type = 'VARCHAR'`;
      var stmt = snowflake.createStatement({sql: sql});
      var rs = stmt.execute();
      while ( {
        var tableName = rs.getColumnValue(1);
        var columnName = rs.getColumnValue(2);
        var searchSql = `SELECT ${columnName} FROM ${tableName} WHERE ${columnName} LIKE '%MY_TEXT_VALUE%'`;
        var searchStmt = snowflake.createStatement({sql: searchSql});
        var searchRs = searchStmt.execute();
        if ( {
          // Perform action if text value is found

This stored procedure uses a JavaScript code block to iterate through the columns in the specified schema, searching for text values using a LIKE operator. You can modify the procedure to perform actions based on the search results.

Solution 3: Using External Scripting Languages

Sometimes, the best solution is to use an external scripting language like Python or JavaScript to iterate through tables and columns in Snowflake. This approach allows you to leverage the power of these languages to perform complex operations and handle large datasets.

    import snowflake.connector
    # Establish Snowflake connection
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
    # Get list of columns in the schema
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'MY_SCHEMA' AND data_type = 'VARCHAR'")
    columns = cur.fetchall()
    # Iterate through columns and search for text values
    for column in columns:
        tableName = column[0]
        columnName = column[1]
        searchSql = f"SELECT {columnName} FROM {tableName} WHERE {columnName} LIKE '%MY_TEXT_VALUE%'"
        if cur.fetchone():
            # Perform action if text value is found
            print(f"Text value found in {tableName}.{columnName}")

This Python script uses the Snowflake Connector library to establish a connection to the Snowflake database. It then iterates through the columns in the specified schema, searching for text values using a LIKE operator.

Best Practices for Optimizing Performance

When iterating through tables and columns in Snowflake, performance is crucial. Here are some best practices to help you optimize performance:

  • Use Efficient Filtering

    Use efficient filtering techniques, such as using WHERE clauses and indexing, to reduce the amount of data being scanned.

  • Optimize Your Queries

    Optimize your queries by using Snowflake’s query profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks.

  • Use snowflake’s caching mechanisms

    Snowflake provides caching mechanisms, such as the result cache, to improve performance. Make sure you’re using these mechanisms effectively.


Iterating through tables and columns in Snowflake to find text values can be a complex task, but with the right strategies and techniques, you can overcome the challenges and achieve your goals. By using Snowflake’s built-in functions, stored procedures, and external scripting languages, you can efficiently search for text values and perform actions based on the results.

Remember to follow best practices for optimizing performance, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your solutions. With Snowflake’s powerful features and your problem-solving skills, you can conquer even the most daunting data challenges.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble iterating through tables and columns in Snowflake schema to find a specific text value? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my Snowflake query only finding the text value in some columns but not others?

This might be due to the data type of the column. Snowflake is case-sensitive, so if your query is searching for a text value in a column with a data type other than string (e.g., integer, date), it won’t find it. Make sure to convert the column to a string data type using the `::string` syntax or the `TO_STRING()` function.

How can I iterate through all tables and columns in my Snowflake schema to find the text value?

You can use the `INFORMATION_SCHEMA` tables to iterate through all tables and columns in your Snowflake schema. Specifically, you can use the `TABLES` and `COLUMNS` views to get a list of all tables and columns, and then use a `LOOP` statement to iterate through them and search for the text value using a `LIKE` operator or a regular expression.

What if I have a large number of tables and columns, and the query takes too long to run?

In that case, you can use Snowflake’s parallel processing capabilities to speed up the query. You can use the `CLUSTER` keyword to distribute the processing across multiple nodes, or use the ` Pipes` feature to process the data in parallel. Additionally, you can use the `LIMIT` clause to limit the number of tables and columns to search through, or use the `SAMPLE` clause to randomly sample a subset of the data.

Can I use a stored procedure to iterate through tables and columns and find the text value?

Yes, you can create a stored procedure in Snowflake to iterate through tables and columns and search for the text value. This can be especially useful if you need to perform this task frequently or want to encapsulate the logic in a reusable code block. Just be sure to parameterize the stored procedure to make it flexible and reusable.

What if I’m still having trouble finding the text value, even after trying all of the above?

Don’t worry, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues when searching for text values in Snowflake! In this case, try to debug your query by breaking it down into smaller parts, checking the data types and formats of the columns, and verifying that the text value is indeed present in the data. You can also try using the `TRY_CAST()` function to cast the column to a string data type, or use the `ILIKE` operator instead of `LIKE` to perform a case-insensitive search.