How to Fix ::marker in Safari: A Comprehensive Guide
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How to Fix ::marker in Safari: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the annoyance of ::marker not working in Safari? You’re not alone! Many web developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we have got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of CSS pseudo-elements, explore the problems with ::marker in Safari, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to fix it.

What is ::marker?

::marker is a CSS pseudo-element that allows you to style the marker (or bullet) of a list item. It’s a part of the CSS Lists Module Level 3 specification and is supported by most modern browsers, except, you guessed it, Safari.

Why Does ::marker Not Work in Safari?

The reason ::marker doesn’t work in Safari is because of the way Apple implements CSS pseudo-elements. Safari uses a proprietary pseudo-element called `-webkit-list-marker` instead of the standard ::marker. This means that if you try to use ::marker in your CSS, Safari won’t recognize it.

How to Fix ::marker in Safari?

Don’t worry, there are a few ways to fix ::marker in Safari. We’ll explore each method in detail, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Method 1: Use the -webkit-list-marker Pseudo-Element

The easiest way to fix ::marker in Safari is to use the proprietary `-webkit-list-marker` pseudo-element instead. Here’s an example:

li {
  list-style: none;

li::-webkit-list-marker {
  content: "•";
  color: blue;

This method is simple and effective, but it has one major drawback: it only works in Safari. If you want your website to be compatible with other browsers, you’ll need to use a different approach.

Method 2: Use a CSS Hack

Another way to fix ::marker in Safari is to use a CSS hack. You can target Safari specifically using the following code:

li {
  list-style: none;

@supports (-webkit-appearance: none) {
  li::marker {
    content: "•";
    color: blue;

This method is a bit more complex, but it allows you to use the standard ::marker pseudo-element and still target Safari specifically.

Method 3: Use a JavaScript Solution

If you’re not comfortable with CSS hacks or want a more dynamic solution, you can use JavaScript to fix ::marker in Safari. Here’s an example using vanilla JavaScript:

const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('li');

listItems.forEach((item) => {
  const marker = document.createElement('span');
  marker.textContent = '•'; = 'blue';

This method gives you more control over the marker, but it can be more resource-intensive than the other methods.

Best Practices for Using ::marker

Now that you’ve fixed ::marker in Safari, here are some best practices to keep in mind when using this pseudo-element:

  • Use it sparingly: ::marker is a powerful tool, but it can be overused. Use it only when necessary, and make sure it doesn’t clutter your design.

  • Test it thoroughly: ::marker can behave differently in different browsers and devices. Make sure to test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.

  • Use a fallback: If you’re using ::marker, make sure to provide a fallback for browsers that don’t support it. This can be as simple as using a Unicode character or an image.


Fixing ::marker in Safari might seem like a daunting task, but with these methods, you can easily overcome this issue. Remember to use the method that works best for your project, and always test your code thoroughly.

With the power of ::marker at your fingertips, you can create stunning lists and take your web development skills to the next level.

Method Description Compatibility
-webkit-list-marker Uses the proprietary pseudo-element for Safari Safari only
CSS Hack Targets Safari specifically using a CSS hack Safari and other browsers that support @supports rule
JavaScript Solution Uses JavaScript to create a custom marker All browsers that support JavaScript

Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or just starting out, this guide has shown you that fixing ::marker in Safari is easier than you think. So go ahead, get creative, and make those lists shine!

Did you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts and experiences with ::marker in the comments below!

  1. MDN Web Docs: ::marker

  2. WebKit Blog: The Future of Lists is Now

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with ::marker in Safari? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why isn’t ::marker working in Safari?

The ::marker pseudo-element is not supported in Safari, and that’s why it’s not working for you. But don’t worry, there are workarounds! You can use the ::before or ::after pseudo-elements instead to achieve the desired effect.

How can I style list markers in Safari?

You can use the ::before pseudo-element to style list markers in Safari. Simply target the list items with CSS and add the styles you want to apply to the ::before pseudo-element. For example, you can add the following code to your stylesheet: li::before { content: '•'; color: blue; }

Can I use ::marker in Safari with a CSS hack?

While there isn’t a direct way to use ::marker in Safari, you can use a CSS hack to achieve a similar effect. One popular hack is to use the attribute selector to target the list items and add the desired styles. For example: li[style*='marker']::before { content: '•'; color: blue; } This hack works by targeting the list items with an inline style that contains the word “marker” and then applying the desired styles to the ::before pseudo-element.

Is there a JavaScript solution to fix ::marker in Safari?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to add the desired styles to the list markers in Safari. One way to do this is to use JavaScript to add an inline style to the list items that specifies the marker style. For example: const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('li'); listItems.forEach((item) => { = 'circle'; }); This code targets all list items on the page and adds an inline style that sets the list style to a circle.

Will ::marker be supported in Safari in the future?

While it’s impossible to predict the future, it’s worth noting that the ::marker pseudo-element is part of the CSS Pseudo-Elements Level 4 specification, which is currently in the draft stage. It’s possible that Safari may support ::marker in the future as the specification evolves and is implemented in browsers. Until then, you can use the workarounds mentioned above to achieve the desired effect.