Solving the Issue in Reading Delta Table using Spark: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Issue in Reading Delta Table using Spark: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of encountering errors while trying to read Delta tables using Spark? You’re not alone! Many developers face this issue, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Delta tables and Spark, and provide you with a comprehensive guide to overcome this hurdle.

What are Delta Tables?

Delta tables are an open-source storage layer that enables you to build Lakehouse architectures. They allow you to manage large amounts of data in a scalable and performant manner. Delta tables are compatible with Apache Spark, making them an attractive choice for data engineers and scientists.

Why Use Delta Tables with Spark?

Spark and Delta tables are a match made in heaven. By combining the two, you can:

  • Perform fast and efficient data processing
  • Store large amounts of data in a scalable manner
  • Take advantage of Spark’s advanced analytics capabilities
  • Ensure data consistency and reliability

The Issue: Reading Delta Tables using Spark

So, what’s the issue? When trying to read Delta tables using Spark, you might encounter errors or unexpected behavior. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re working with large datasets. The most common errors include:

  1. ClassNotFoundException: DeltaTable
  2. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:$init
  3. Table or view not found: delta.

Don’t worry, these errors can be resolved with some simple configuration and coding tweaks.

Solution 1: Verify Your Spark and Delta Table Versions

The first step in resolving the issue is to ensure you’re using compatible versions of Spark and Delta tables. You can check your Spark version using:


Make sure you’re running Spark 3.0 or later, as earlier versions might not support Delta tables. For Delta tables, ensure you’re using version 0.8.0 or later.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Here’s how to verify your versions:

  1. Open a new Spark shell or create a new Spark application
  2. Type `spark.version` to check your Spark version
  3. Verify that your Delta table version is 0.8.0 or later

Solution 2: Configure Your Spark Session

The next step is to configure your Spark session to read Delta tables. You’ll need to add the Delta table package to your Spark session using:


Additionally, you’ll need to set the Delta table format using:


Step-by-Step Instructions:

Here’s how to configure your Spark session:

  1. Open a new Spark shell or create a new Spark application
  2. Type `spark.sql.extensions`
  3. Type `spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog`
  4. Verify that your Spark session is configured correctly

Solution 3: Read Delta Tables using Spark

Now that you’ve configured your Spark session, it’s time to read your Delta table. You can do this using the following code:

val deltaTable ="delta")
  .option("header", "true")
  .option("inferSchema", "true")

Replace `”path/to/your/delta/table”` with the actual path to your Delta table.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Here’s how to read your Delta table:

  1. Copy the code above and paste it into your Spark shell or application
  2. Replace `”path/to/your/delta/table”` with the actual path to your Delta table
  3. Run the code and verify that your Delta table is read correctly

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with Delta tables and Spark:

  • Make sure you’re using the correct Spark and Delta table versions
  • Configure your Spark session correctly before reading Delta tables
  • Use the correct format and options when reading Delta tables
  • Verify that your Delta table is correctly written before trying to read it


Reading Delta tables using Spark can be a breeze if you follow the correct steps. By verifying your Spark and Delta table versions, configuring your Spark session, and reading your Delta table correctly, you can overcome the issue of reading Delta tables using Spark. Remember to keep your versions up-to-date, configure your Spark session correctly, and use the correct format and options when reading Delta tables.

Spark Version Delta Table Version Supported
3.0 0.8.0 Yes
2.x 0.8.0 No
3.0 0.7.0 No

Note: The table above shows the supported versions of Spark and Delta tables.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to overcome the issue of reading Delta tables using Spark. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common issues while reading delta tables using spark!

Why am I getting a ClassNotFoundException when trying to read a delta table using spark?

This error usually occurs when the delta-core and delta-share libraries are not properly added to the Spark classpath. Make sure to include these libraries in your Spark configuration or add them as dependencies in your build tool.

How do I specify the delta table path when reading it using spark?

You can specify the delta table path using the `format` option when reading the table. For example, `“delta”).load(“path/to/delta/table”)`. Make sure to replace `”path/to/delta/table”` with the actual path to your delta table.

Why is my spark job failing with a `SchemaMismatchException` when reading a delta table?

This error occurs when the schema of the delta table has changed since it was last written. Try updating the schema of your delta table or use the `mergeSchema` option when reading the table to automatically merge the schema changes.

How can I read a specific version of a delta table using spark?

You can specify the version of the delta table using the `versionAsOf` option when reading the table. For example, `“delta”).option(“versionAsOf”, 0).load(“path/to/delta/table”)`. This will read the delta table as of version 0.

Can I read a delta table in parallel using spark?

Yes, you can read a delta table in parallel using spark by specifying the `parallelRead` option. For example, `“delta”).option(“parallelRead”, true).load(“path/to/delta/table”)`. This will enable parallel reading of the delta table.

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